秋的街角宛若東京的一撇掠影。 經歷了幾個鋒面的冷酷,天又暖起來。
夕暮的微風,靜悄悄地送來草木的香味。 我想起東京的夏夜很涼快,我安閒地坐在隅田川岸邊欣賞落在水面的霓虹。 又回憶起前陣子和朋友在塞納河邊散步。 连着一些起落的事情,在回憶的時候也都穩妥下來。
The corner seemed like a glimpse of Tokyo during autumn.
After the cold fronts,
it's getting warmer.
One day, I came to the Danube.
The breeze was sending the fragrance of the trees quietly.
I just remembered that the nights were pleasantly cool in Tokyo during summer.
I sat on the shore of Sumida River and enjoy the neons that fell on the water.
I also remembered walking a long time with friends along the Seine.
Even some ups and downs have become peace in memories.
14 Oct 2019